Welcome to Heroes of Newerth
Version 3.9.8 - 25 August 2016
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== Community ==
= Ranked MMR Ladder =
+ The MMR Ladder leaderboard ends on August 22nd and rewards will be given out by August 25th.
- The reward will be the Champion of Newerth name color.
= Back to School Promotions =
+ 25% Bonus Gold Sale
- Get 25% Bonus Gold on every Coin Pack you purchase!
- This sale will begin prior to August 26th, 00:00 EDT and end after August 31st, 23:59 EDT.
+ Limited Edition Avatar Sale
- Don't miss your chance to pick up your favorite Limited Edition avatars every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
- This sale will begin on August 24th, 10:00 EDT and end on September 7th, 10:00 EDT.
+ Backpack Grab Bags
- Backpack #1 contains all Gold, Ultimate, Paragon, URSA, and 8-Bit avatars. Limit 5. Cost 500 GC.
- Backpack #2 contains all Wards, Couriers, Taunts, and Announcers. Limit 5. Cost 1250 SC.
- Backpack #3 contains all avatars priced between 250 and 400 GC. Limit 10. Cost 200 GC.
- Backpack #4 contains all Debut Edition and Early Access avatars. Limit 5. Cost 500 GC.
- Products are located in the "Other" section of Merrick's shop and will be available from August 24th, 10:00 EDT until September 7th, 10:00 EDT.
+ Find the School Supplies
- Collect all the School Supply Account Icons and gain access to one random Early Access/Debut Avatar by opening the grab bag, Backpack #5!
- Earn Icons by completing the following challenges:
* Login 5 consecutive days to earn the Notebook Account Icon.
* Play 13 games of Ranked FoC to earn the Scissors Account Icon.
* Win 7 Games of Ranked FoC to earn the Pen Account Icon.
* Purchase 1 Knockout avatar to earn the Binder Account Icon.
* These challenges will begin prior to August 24th, 00:00 EDT and end after August 31st, 23:59 EDT. Access Backpack #5 in the "Other" section of Merrick's Shop.
== Matchmaking Maps & Modes ==
Forests of Caldavar
- All Pick
- Single Draft
- Balanced Random
Mid Wars
- Blind Ban
- All Random
Blitz Mode
- Blind Ban
== New Content ==
= Knockout Set =
New Knockout Set Flux Avatar: Cyborg | Releases Aug 24th
- Sometimes Cyborg can't believe he actually listens to Knockout Gauntlet; as a mentor, Knockout sets a terrible example for training, attitude, and strategy: "Do some push-ups when you feel like it, then just knock the enemy out." If it weren't for Knockout's staggering success it would all be a huge joke, but those constant triumphs have convinced Cyborg that working with Knockout is the only way he'll be able to find, fight, and destroy Dr. Repulsor, whose soulless machines tore Cyborg's human body apart and forced him to augment himself to survive. It can be very frustrating to use every weapon, tactic, and upgrade within his vast arsenal to battle a powerful foe, then watch in disbelief as Knockout strolls in and obliterates the enemy with a single blow. Frustrating, annoying even infuriating but in those moments Cyborg collects himself, takes a deep breath, and tries to see the enlightening lesson his mentor is trying to convey. Because if there isn't a lesson, Cyborg just might have to kill him.
New Knockout Set Kinesis Avatar: Esper | Releases Aug 29th
- Impatient and arrogant, Esper has a difficult time not using her incredible psychic abilities to move slow, weak allies out of her way when they are obviously failing against a more powerful enemy. If those idiots would just accept the fact that she could do the job all by herself, nuisances like Deep Sea Riptide and Velocity would have been defeated a long time ago. Unfortunately she doesn't have the time to explain to all those morons how things should be, because she's too busy saving them and the rest of the world from utter destruction. How irritating.
New Knockout Set Prisoner 945 Avatar: Angel Style Prisoner | Releases Sep 2nd
- Angel Style Prisoner respects all heroes, but he reserves a certain appreciation for the good-looking ones. The problem is he can't help showing that appreciation by attacking them, and his strength is so immense it's safer for everyone if he remains in chains and locked away from society. Sometimes, however, an enemy so vile (or a gorgeous hero) catches his eye from the outside world and Angel Style Prisoner must shatter his largely symbolic shackles and release his uncontrollable passion upon the world. Whenever he encounters his nemesis Deep Sea Riptide, Angel Style Prisoner remembers the humiliating defeat and ruined sweater he suffered at the hands of the vicious underwater lord and immediately flies into a naked rage that sends bystanders and allies fleeing for safety while the two powerful adversaries destroy everything around them.
New Knockout Set Scout Avatar: Velocity | Releases Aug 26th
- Velocity welcomes every opportunity to battle Knockout and his pitiful heroes, and each time he proves that they can't protect anything civilians, property, each other, or themselves from his supersonic attacks. He particularly enjoys defeating anyone or anything stronger than him, which makes his repeated setbacks against the powerful Knockout extremely upsetting. But they are only setbacks, not defeats! Velocity comes back stronger and faster every time, with new training and skills to deploy, and eventually he will show Knockout who the better warrior is when he lops that stupid head off his shoulders.
= General =
New Lord Salforis Avatar: Prince Salforis | Releases Sep 5th
- Lord Salforis has tried for decades to create an army of the dead, and while his necromantic powers have succeeded in raising countless animated corpses, they are little more than mindless fodder to throw at the Legion ranks to tire the soldiers and dull their blades. That has changed. The Baron of Blackwal has had a breakthrough in his dark practices with the creation of an undying warrior who possesses nearly as much power as the Baron himself, and Salforis was so moved by the potential within this evolution that he named this monstrosity his son and crowned him the Prince of Blackwal. The dark prince is a terrible new enemy for the Legion, driven by the unholy forces within him and the overpowering desire to make his insane father proud.
== Bug Fixes & Optimizations ==
= Bots =
New Bot: Pandamonium
- Authored by Sparks1992.
- Additions by Anakonda.
- Sparks1992 receives 6400 gold coins and an alt avatar of his choice!
= General =
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